Energetic Reset

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and renewal with our Energetic Reset Pre-Recorded Three-Day Course. Guided by Sarah Irwin, Shamanic Energetics Practitioner & Bio-energetic Heale, this immersive experience offers powerful techniques and insights to release stagnant energy, regain vitality, and realign with your purpose. Through a series of curated sessions, participants will explore meditation, energy healing, and mindfulness practices designed to reset their energy and unlock their full potential. Join us on this empowering path to inner harmony and transformation.

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.


Becoming aware of our conditioning is an essential aspect in our healing journey.

Energetically resetting and releasing oneself holds profound significance for both our well-being and the nurturing of our souls. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, we accumulate various energies—be it stress, unwanted emotions, or simply the residue of our experiences. These energies can stagnate within us, creating blockages that hinder our growth and diminish our vitality. The act of resetting and releasing serves as a cleansing process, allowing us to shed these burdens and realign with our natural state of balance and harmony.